My Pool Safety is now selling NEW Glass and Aluminium Pool Fencing/Barrier & Gates

My Pool Safety, as an accredited pool compliance certifier in NSW and have inspected over 1084 houses and repaired thousands of swimming pool fences, always believe that “Prevention is better than cure”.

We always strive to solve our customers problem quickly and with the highest quality. We are here to make your life easier. Can you imagine getting your pool fence/barrier installed and then found out later that they are not compliant with the law after installation?

“The issue will never exist if the pool fence/barrier is purchased from My Pool Safety installed by us”.


We are supplying all types of pool fencing and barrier:

  • Metal Pool Fence & Gate (Include but not limited to aluminium, stainless steel….)

  • Glass Pool Fence & Gate

We are your ONE-STOP Solution to obtaining your Certificate of Compliance and MORE IMPORTANTLY, the pool safety for you and your family!

Why Buying Pool Fences & GaTes From Us?

Getting My Pool Safety to do your pool fence/barrier and gate:

1. Will save you on compliance inspection service cost

2. Save you time on repair service cost if you purchase the pool fence elsewhere and found it non-compliant after installation

3. Save you time and hassle of dealing with multiple contractors

4. Minimise risk of not getting your pool compliance certificate on time and have to pay a penalty.

5. Ensure your swimming pool is compliant and safe for your family to enjoy